Monday, March 8, 2010

More Koi from PSKoi

PSKOI owner went to Japan 1 month ago. He has already quarantined his fish for 2 weeks. I cannot wait for another few weeks. So, Hubby drove me to PS KOI on Sunday...Shopping!!!!!
Lemon Hariwake, $50. I have been looking for one for a long time. This one's color is a little too dard. 7" long.

Shiro Utsuri 6", good skin quality but seems no black pattern. $50.

Sanke is about 9 inch long, tail's edge is a little off but we got it for $35. She is a nisai. Hope this year it can getting bigger

Today I found my pond's ammonia is .25ppm.. too many fish even though they are still small. I quarantined Shiro and Lemon, put Sanke to the big pond, changed 20% water, added 30lb salt and 16 oz bacteria.... Hope it will help. NO MORE NEW FISH!!!!

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