Monday, September 13, 2010

September 2010 /

Just measured 龙袍和小红嘴, 13" and 9" This summer, I feed them with Koi Chow, maybe its not a good brand (someother dealer is saying that). I started make my own koi food, shrimp, fish, seaweed, egg, yeast and flower, peas.. hope that will increase the growth rate.

We also start to buy petsmart koi, few Japanese koi did not turn to be too good, 贵妃 lost all her beni. 妃子didn't grown too much compare with others. On the other hand, Rosevill is big and beautify now, so is Arden and little sanke. So we brought two additional hope to be Showa someday.


Geisha is 12" which I think 5" growth in 10 month is not too bad.

Shiro Utsuri now is 11" (5" growth from March). Its very yellow due to Koi Chow. I am hoping it will whiteout during the winter.

Arden is 9 1/2". the head is pointy, and body is too fat.

Champion is 11". Hopefully it won't lose its beni. The white skin is beautiful

Here is Roseville, I turned her and looked like girl, 11"

Roseville when we just had her 4"

Little Sanke, have to say, I like him the best. But he looked like a boy, had this "Male" things in the back, but should he be more red for male? 8"

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